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Google Tablet Expected Next Year

The Tablet Industry seems to be growing rapidly. Apple's huge market share of iPad seems to be facing fierce competition from global players such as Samsung. According to Google CEO Eric Schmidt, even Google is gearing up for their own version of Tablet. They expect the launch to happen anytime in the second quarter of 2012. Google believes that they will go head-to-head with Apple's product line next year. Eric Schmidt, termed the clash as - "brutal competition between Apple and Google."

Inside sources stated that the new Google tablet would run the new and improvised of Android 4.0 - Ice Cream Sandwich. Therefore most probably they won't be configuring it on Honeycomb.

Google also has a new voice transcription technology coming up next year. Its named as "Majel". Almost an equivalent product to Apple's Siri. Thus the year 2012 may further heat up the Google vs. Apple war. Let's hope everything goes Fair and Square